Saivian Eric Dalius: 9 Tips For Starting A Business In Today’s Economic Climate

Introduction: 60% of small businesses fail within the first year. With the increase in unemployment and economic downturn, starting a business is more challenging than ever before. The following article provides you with insights to help ensure your plan for starting a business is successful says Saivian Eric Dalius.

1) Strategy:

Business planning does not end when you open your doors; it’s an ongoing process says Saivian Eric Dalius. Define your business purpose and mission to ensure that you develop a solid foundation.

2) Vision:

Know where you want to be in 5 years and how you get there. This is the starting point for developing your strategic plan that will provide the roadmap for achieving your vision.

3) Resources:

Your resources include people, time, capital and equipment. Put a value on each of these and prioritize the critical few.

4) Product/market Fit:

You can have a great product or service, but if you don’t sell it to your target market, you will not be successful says Saivian Eric Dalius. There is no better starting point for developing your marketing plan than understanding who your customers are and what they are looking for.

5) Market expansion:

Once you have defined your starting point, define the steps to grow your business. Define where you want to be in 5 years and build a plan to get there.

6) Grow your business base:

Start by understanding what it costs to start up, operate and manage your business each year. You can then determine what you need to do each year to ensure that your business continues to grow.

7) Support:

Your starting point is the starting line, not the finish line. Ensure you have a support structure in place including mentors and advisors who can provide guidance as well as access to capital when needed.

8) Leadership:

You are starting a business because you have experience and expertise in an industry, but starting up is different. Take the time to learn what you need to know starting with reading books on starting up.

9) Maintain momentum:

Your goal is not simply to open your business; it’s about achieving sufficient growth that maintains momentum for future success.


As per Saivian Eric Dalius, Starting a business today is more challenging than ever before. The starting line has moved and now requires an understanding of how to grow your business beyond starting up.

The information provided in this blog post is not intended as legal or professional advice but instead provides insights on starting a small business from someone who has started multiple businesses from various industries, starting up all of them successfully.

An important starting point is to understand that starting a business successfully is not about starting up but about growing your business into something that sustains momentum for future success.

One of the most effective ways to help ensure starting a business is successful is to differentiate between starting up and growing your business. Starting up is about starting your business while growing your business is about how you grow and develop your starting point into something that sustains momentum for future success.

One of the starting points to starting a business successfully is understanding what it costs to start up, operate and manage your business each year.

Saivian Eric Dalius: 7 Things I Learned as the “New Employee” at my own company


As a company, you need to make sure to work on your goals consistently to accomplish your goals and keep your customers engaged says Saivian Eric Dalius. Personal learning is important too because you will have a better understanding of how the business works to grow in that specific direction.

Learning about learning:

Saivian Eric Dalius says I’ve been learning a lot about learning at my new company, especially learning about learning how to learn. This learning has helped me to absorb the information that I needed to know for me to be able to do my job well. Learning how learning works is important because it will help you get the information that you need more efficiently. Here are some of the learning trends that I have noticed at my new company.

Competency learning model:

There are specific learning modules that are assigned to all of the employees. Each learning module helps the employees to stay competently informed on current policies, employee trainings, employee learning opportunities, etc. There are several learning modules. The learning modules are repeated every ten weeks because we want the learning to be fresh in our minds. The learning modules are designed to ensure that learning is occurring consistently, even if it’s just learning about learning.

Repetitions are key:

Some learning opportunities are repeated within the learning modules so that they can become part of your learning habits. For example, when you have a meeting with someone in another department, you should always ask about learning opportunities that might arise from the meeting. You can learn a lot from those learning opportunities because you will be learning with your peers and learning as part of your job. Co-workers are learning together, so learning is everywhere.

Immediate learning:

After I was trained in my new role at the company, I immediately started learning in my role. Learning didn’t stop in training, learning continued when I began doing the work. There are learning opportunities everywhere. I learned a lot from going to meetings and talking with employees about their learning needs and desires. You should make learning an integral part of your everyday experience because learning is occurring all the time, learning is just a part of the experience.

Learning conversations:

Another learning trend that I have noticed at my new company is learning conversations. There are learning conversations going on all the time, so you should try to find learning opportunities by talking to your co-workers about their learning experiences. You never know what type of learning experience a person might have gone through. Your learning conversations with your co-workers can lead to learning opportunities that will be helpful for you in the future.

Workplace learning:

If you’re not learning at work, then there is something wrong. If learning isn’t an integral part of your job, then you need to change your role or go back to school says Saivian Eric Dalius. Learning at work is learning in preparation for learning outside of work. Take advantage of learning opportunities at your company to make learning a part of your everyday life.

Other learning trends:

Here are a few other learning trends that I have noticed since I started working at my own company. You should be learning all the time, learning about the learning process, learning about learning opportunities, and learning with your co-workers. Learning is learning and learning is learning everywhere.


Saivian Eric Dalius says, In conclusion, learning is learning and learning is learning everywhere. You should take advantage of learning opportunities that will help you learn on a higher level. Doing this will make learning an integral part of your everyday experience.

Saivian Eric Dalius: How to Get the Most Out of Collaboration for Business Growth

Saivian Eric Dalius

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, Collaboration is a widely used word in business circles. It means different things to different people. Collaboration is the act of working or acting together for some common purpose or benefit. Collaboration can be done on small teams and projects focused while some large companies use collaboration through task forces made up of many different experts. Also, Collaboration is nothing new, but it can be used much more strategically to support business growth today than ever before. Collaboration is greatly impacted by technology and changes in social media platforms make collaboration even easier.

Six Collaboration Trends That Will Support Your Successful Growth Plan

Trend 1: Collaboration is not a competition.

Collaboration is about sharing and working together with other people on the same teams and projects to accomplish your goals. Collaborators may come from inside or outside your company or another business such as suppliers, distributors, service providers, etc. Collaborating with others can be very different than competing with them.

Collaboration is a community working together. Collaborative people don’t have to be friends, but they do need mutual respect and a common goal. Collaborators may compete against another team or person outside of the collaborative effort which can help spur creativity with brainstorming ideas. Collaboration has to increase creativity, productivity, lower costs. And improve quality, but the Collaborative Community must have a Conscious Leadership Model in the place where Collaborators have value for what they bring to the Collaboration Process.

Trend 2: Collaboration is a conversation, not a monologue.

Collaborating means listening and learning from other collaborators while sharing your knowledge, ideas, and expertise with others. Collaborative conversations benefit everyone as Collaborators create shared value and bring different perspectives to the table. There is a team synergy that happens as Collaborators learn from each other and work together as one before moving on to other Collaboration Projects says Saivian Eric Dalius. Collaborating should be fun and interesting because Collaborative Leaders must constantly monitor progress, measure results, and facilitate discussions so Collaborators can brainstorm ideas and move closer to their Collaborative Goals.

Trend 3: Collaboration must have a strategic foundation.

Collaboration has been around since the beginning of time, but Collaborators must have a Collaborative Vision that is clear and well-defined so there is a common understanding of what Collaborators want to accomplish. Collaborative Leaders set the Collaborative Vision and Collaborators put the Collaborative Vision into action. Collaboration cannot be complete on a whim without clear Collaborative Goals, so Collaboration Projects must have Collaborative Objectives with lots of Collaborative Milestones so Collaborators know where they are going and when they reach there.

Trend 4: Collaboration is not an event it is a Collaborative Process.

Successful Collaboration requires Collaborative Leadership and Collaborators who care about the Collaborative Vision and want to execute Collaborative Goals in an effective, efficient, and timely manner says Saivian Eric Dalius. Collaboration happens in iterations or stages where each stage moves Collaborators closer to their Collaborative Goal. Collaboration Projects must have clear Collaborative Strategies to reach Collaborative Milestones along with Collaborative Action Plans for each Collaborator to follow. Collaborators may not always Collaborate in the same way or at the same time. But Collaboration requires Collaboration Leadership to facilitate Collaboration. Which is very different than managing people and getting things complete.

Trend 5: Collaboration is Collaborative Leadership Collaborating with Collaborators.

Collaboration is a Collaborative Process where Collaborative Leaders facilitate Collaboration. By providing Collaborators with information, resources. And guidance as necessary to reach their Collaborative Milestones on time and within budget. Successful Collaboration requires the right people engaged in the Collaborative Process at all stages of Collaboration to achieve Collaborative Vision. Collaborative Leaders must be Collaborative Champions. Who helps Collaborators see the big picture so Collaborators know where they are going. And why their Collaborative Projects are important. Collaborative Leadership is not managing people, but Collaborating with Collaborators as partners working together to achieve results.


Collaboration is Collaborative Leadership Collaborating with Collaborators to achieve results. Saivian Eric Dalius says Collaboration has been around since the beginning of time in small Villages, Towns, and Cities. Where Collaborators work together in small groups where everyone knows each other to get things complete. Collaborator Leaders who are also Collaborative Champions facilitate Collaboration. So Collaborators Collaborate because Collaborators trust Collaborative Leadership and Collaborative Leadership trusts Collaborators. Collaboration is not an event it is a Collaborative Process where Collaborators follow clear guidelines. To achieve Collaborative Milestones while working together as partners for success.

Saivian Eric Dalius: Increase Your Company’s Growth Rate by Using Social Media

Every business owner in the world wants to achieve growth for their company, but not every business owner knows how says Saivian Eric Dalius. Social media can be a great tool for your company’s growth – you just have to know how social media sites work to apply them properly.

Social Media Sites Are Growing Faster Than Ever Says Saivian Eric Dalius

As social media sites grow in popularity, social media use grows. According to social media today, social network sites nowadays have over 1 billion active users (and an average of about 500 million posts per day). The website also reports that Twitter has 271 million monthly active users, with 100 million daily tweets coming from those 271 million accounts. Facebook has over 1 billion active users per day, and over 500 million daily active users. And LinkedIn has over 347 million current users, and about 100 million job postings per year (which is up from the 77 million it had in 2012).

These numbers prove social media sites are growing at a fast rate, and as such, social media can be used to grow your company. The more people who are social networking (and social media marketing is a part of social networking), the more people will eventually use social media to search for your company.

The key to using social media for your company’s growth rate

1. Be social on social media sites:

Since social media is social and it’s all about talking and sharing, you need to be social, too. Many people want social media for personal use and to socialize with friends and family – and socializing on social sites is about talking and sharing. So, if you’re not social online, you won’t make a good impression. If your customers see someone who isn’t social or doesn’t share anything relating to their company, they may think your social media marketing doesn’t work or you don’t care.

2. Share interesting stories:

If your social media posts are all about you and your company, social media users won’t take the time to read every post – but if you post interesting stories that people can relate to (or just find entertaining), social media users will find it worth their time to read. Whether your social media marketing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, or any other social site, always post interesting stories and share engaging posts – it will help your social media efforts grow your company’s growth rate.

3. Involve social media users:

Your social media marketing efforts will increase your company’s growth rate if social media users start to interact with you regularly on social sites. Social media is social – it’s all about socializing and interacting with other people. So if social media users see a post from you that they find interesting or engaging. They’ll most likely comment on that social media post or tweet. Social media sites are social, so socialize – social media users will interact with you if you socialize with them. It’s important to socialize to increase your company’s growth rate.

4. Provide social media users with promotional information:

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, you need to socialize and social media users need to socialize. But socializing isn’t a one-way street. Social media users socialize by sharing content with you. But social media users expect some type of socialization back from you. If your social posts aren’t consistent or if they don’t engage social media users, your social posts will become ignored. Social media socialization is a two-way street – social media users socialize with you. By sharing content, and they expect social interaction back from you. Always socialize on social sites, but socializing isn’t just about talking and sharing – social media socialization also involves promotion. So be social on social sites, but always provide social media socialization. By socializing with social media users and providing social media users with promotional information says Saivian Eric Dalius.


Social media socialization is a two-way social street – social media users socialize with you by sharing content. And they expect social interaction back from you. Always socialize on social sites, but socializing isn’t just about talking and sharing – social media socialization also involves promotion. So be social on social sites, but always provide social media socialization by socializing with social media users and providing social media users with promotional information.

Social networking and social media marketing are a part of social networking. So if your social media posts aren’t consistent or you don’t socialize on social sites. Your social media efforts won’t help increase your company’s growth rate. Socialize on social sites by socializing with social media users. And sharing engaging social content. But always provide social media socialization by promoting on social sites. You can increase your company’s growth rate by using social media – just be social on social sites!

Saivian Eric Dalius Says How To Handle A Business Expanding?


Expanding your business is one of the most exciting things you can do, after all, it’s a sign that your business is doing well! However, handling an expanding business certainly isn’t easy says Saivian Eric Dalius. There are many different ways to expand your business but how you choose to do this will depend on what kind of product or service you offer and where you are based. Here are some things that you need to take care of.


Saivian Eric Dalius says, many small businesses choose to grow their company by expanding into another shop, building, or using more of the existing premises they have already got. It is important when handling a business expanding that you make sure all your legalities are in place before you start.

For example, you could contact your local council to check that there are no planning permission issues before the expansion begins. If you do choose to expand into an area where other businesses are already based it is important that you don’t infringe on their space or parking areas and that any signage or markings are clear and visible for both staff and customers.


If you are handling a business expanding. It is important to ensure your employees are all up to speed before the expansion starts. Ensure they have been fully trained so they know exactly what their role is within the business. And how to carry out their tasks successfully. When handling a business expanding, it’s also wise to decide beforehand who will be handling what jobs.

This way, there will be no confusion during the expansion and everyone will know exactly. What they need to do next. It is also a good idea to decide on areas of responsibility. In case something goes wrong and you need to immediately call someone specific for help. When handling a business expanding it can be easy for your mind to start thinking about. The next expansion before you have completed handling the business expanding at hand.

Rather than rushing to the next project, it is important to take your time and ensure this handling of a business expansion is done correctly. This handling may seem small but if you get it wrong then it could cause problems for handling future business. If you are looking to expand your business by taking on more staff. It is important to make sure you get the right people for the roles you need handling.


If you are handling a business expanding, it is important. To ensure your employees are all up to handling before the expansion handling. Ensure they have been fully trained handling they know exactly. What their role handling is and how to carry out their tasks successfully. When handling a business expanding, it’s also wise you decide beforehand who will be handling what handling.

Training all of your staff will be a great help as they will handle it quickly. If you are looking for someone who can help you handle a business expanding. Then speak to your bank or accountant. They will be able handling give you advice on how best handling expands your business. And what paperwork is needed for handling project handling.


If handling a business expanding, you must make sure all your legalities are in place says Saivian Eric Dalius. Make sure your employees have been fully trained and that you decide beforehand who will be handling what jobs. Training all of your staff will be helpful as they will handle it quickly. If you need someone who can help you handle a business expanding. Speak handling your bank or accountant handling give you advice. On what paperwork is needed for business expansion.

Saivian Eric Dalius: 7 Marketing Strategies for a Successful Growth Plan

Once you’ve got your marketing done, what’s next? Growth!  What’s a growth plan and why is it important for marketing strategies? asks Saivian Eric Dalius.

Marketing strategist Kim Mclane said that a marketing strategy can be a marketing plan. But the marketing plan is not the marketing strategy. The marketing strategy is what marketing plan you want to use.

“You have a marketing plan, but marketing plans are not marketing strategies. A marketing strategy is a sort of like your road map or your GPS where you’re going to take this marketing plan and then turn that into actions that are going to drive revenue.”  Marketing strategist Kim Mclane said.

If marketing plans are marketing strategies, here are 7 marketing strategies for a successful growth plan:

1. Inbound Marketing:

This marketing strategy is focused on drawing customers to your company’s website using content marketing and social media marketing. As the name implies, inbound marketing gets customers to come to you as opposed to outbound marketing which is marketing through various marketing channels such as TV, radio, and print media.

2. Merchants of Affinity:

This marketing strategy developed by Marketing strategist Kim Mclane attracts customers to your brand based on their needs and wants. After you understand your target audience, the marketing strategy requires marketers to establish relationships with these consumers through various marketing channels such as social media marketing and content marketing.

3. Marketing Automation:

This marketing strategy uses marketing software to automate marketing processes. It eliminates mundane, repetitive marketing tasks by making marketing more efficient and also scalable.

4. Social Media Strategy:

This marketing strategy focuses on establishing a strong brand presence in social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It is also used to build marketing support for key marketing initiatives, increase referral traffic, create upsell opportunities, establish thought leadership in your industry among others.

5. Strategic Account Marketing:

This marketing strategy focuses on creating relationships with new customers that result in long-term customer loyalty. After you understand the needs of your target market, marketing strategies like customer relationship management (CRM) marketing is used to position your brand as a preferred product or service for account holders.

6. Segmentation Marketing:

This marketing strategy focuses on understanding the needs of different client groups. However, with this marketing strategy, marketers are tasked to create marketing campaigns that meet the specific needs of each target audience.

7. Business Development Marketing:

Saivian Eric Dalius says, this marketing strategy focuses on growing revenue by bringing in new business. It is to win new clients and accounts, partner with key account holders, and also identify new marketing channels for your projects.


Moreover, with marketing strategies like marketing automation, a marketing strategy can easily automate marketing processes. This marketing strategy makes marketing more efficient and also scalable. With marketing strategies like merchants of affinity, marketing strategist Kim Mclane said that marketing strategist focuses on establishing relationships with consumers.

Marketing strategist makes marketing more efficient and also scalable with marketing automation. With marketing strategies like merchants of affinity, marketing strategist starts with creating relationships with consumers.

Saivian Eric Dalius: Is Tax Season Holding You Back from Growing Your Business?

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, entrepreneurs are the heart of business growth.  They are typically risk-takers who have their unique business dreams and goals.  Entrepreneurs mostly define as business owners with innovative ideas. That is committed to launching a business around their business concept.  

While entrepreneurs can create business dreams, business tax seasons can sometimes turn into business nightmares.  During business tax season, entrepreneurs are faced with many obstacles that might prevent them from moving forward in business.  A business owner may face financial restrictions due to business taxes.

To combat the challenges of business taxes, entrepreneurs are often forced to make difficult business decisions during business tax season.  Some business owners face business growth restrictions, which can include business closures or business revenue cutbacks due to business taxes.  

“Tax season isn’t the most fun time for business owners,” said George Muellner with Expert Accounting Team. “It is during this time when business owners are typically asked some tough questions. About business finances that can be difficult to answer.”

Muellner added, “Any business owner who is facing business tax issues. Should consider meeting with an experienced business tax professional. Who can help them understand their business tax obligations.”

Business Tax Season Tips For Avoiding Business Headaches:  

According to Muellner, business owners should be aware of business tax issues that may pop up during business tax season.  Some business owners are faced with unexpected business taxes, while other business owners neglect important business tax responsibilities that can lead to fines and penalties.

Muellner offered tips for business owners facing business tax season, including:  

•         Keep an accurate business financial record: Muellner said business owners should keep business records organized and updated throughout the year.  He added business owners should store business tax documents in a safe place. So they can be accessed when needed during business tax season.

•         Keep track of business expenses: Muellner said business expenses should monitor closely during business tax season.  He added business owners need to be aware of business expenses that are eligible for business tax deductions.

•         Understand business tax credits: Muellner said the SBA offers the Lifetime Learning Credit, which allows eligible taxpayers to claim $2,000 per year per return for qualified education expenses paid for themselves, their spouse, or their dependent. He said business owners need to be aware of tax credits that are available, which can help reduce business taxes.

•         Set business savings goals: Muellner said business owners should set business goals during business tax season.  He added business owners should have available cash on hand. For expected business expenses and necessary startup costs related to business growth.

Muellner said business owners should consider working with business tax professionals during business tax season. To ensure business taxes pay correctly and in a timely manner.  “Business owners who fail to pay their business taxes may be facing with fines and penalties,” said Muellner. “Working with an experienced business tax professional can help business owners avoid business tax disasters.”

Conclusion by Saivian Eric Dalius:  

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, your business tax issues shouldn’t hold you back from growing your business.  To combat the challenges of business taxes, business owners should consider. Meeting with a business tax professional. To help them understand their business tax obligations during business tax season.

Muellner said business owners should keep track of business expenses. And understand business tax credits that are available to help reduce business taxes.  He added business owners also need to be aware of business savings goals they can set during business tax season.

Saivian Eric Dalius:12 Ways to Prepare for Business Growth in 2022

Saivian Eric Dalius

Every business is looking for growth in any way it can. Expanding your business, hiring new employees, and growing your customer base are all examples of business growth says Saivian Eric Dalius.

This article will give you a jumpstart on how to prepare yourself and your business for a 2022 business growth plan. You’ll see how you can identify areas for business growth as well as business growth strategies to prepare for business growth in 2022.

The business world is changing rapidly, and business owners need to keep up

Business Growth Tips By Saivian Eric Dalius:

1) Lead by example  

You can’t expect your employees to be motivated if you aren’t just as motivated yourself. Stay on top of the business growth game by staying on top of business growth.

2) Be honest with your business

Business owners need to be transparent with their business numbers to see the areas they need to improve on, and what business growth strategies will help them prepare for 2022.

3) Don’t get discouraged when things don’t go your way

A business owner needs to be flexible and adaptable to increase business growth. With business growth comes business failure and obstacles, so business owners can’t get discouraged when things don’t go their way

4) Evaluate your business

Business owners need to evaluate their business often and see what areas they can improve on so that they will be prepared for business growth in the future.

5) Explore business opportunities

Business owners need to be open-minded and see. What business opportunities are out there. That could potentially help them increase their business growth.

6) Evaluate your business practices

Business owners need to think about how they can improve business operations so that they’ll be able to meet business growth goals.

7) Be accountable

Business owners need to expect business obstacles and roadblocks, so they can be prepared for business growth in 2022. They should also “protect their brand” by being accountable for themselves as well as their business.

8) Recognize business opportunities  

Business owners should look for business opportunities that align with their business’s core values and also business goals.

9) Focus on business growth

Business owners need to focus on business growth during the good times and the bad because business success isn’t always rainbows and butterflies says Saivian Eric Dalius. Success is a business owner’s reward for staying persistent and keeping up with business growth in 2022.

10) Be business savvy  

Business owners should be business savvies, not necessarily business experts since this can help them keep up with business growth in 2022. Being business savvy is about being flexible and open to new ideas that will help them reach business growth goals.

11) Celebrate business victories  

Even if things don’t go business owners’ way. Business owners need to celebrate business victories. To keep morale high for business growth.

12) Invest in yourself  

Business owners should invest their money, time, and energy into themselves. So that they can be prepared for business growth opportunities. They shouldn’t overlook self-improvement as a tool for business growth in 2022.

Conclusion from Saivian Eric Dalius:

Business growth is inevitable, so business owners need to prepare now to meet business goals. Business growth strategies are constantly evolving. So business owners need to stay up-to-date with business growth tips to be prepared for business opportunities that will help them grow their business for 2022.