Saivian Eric Dalius: 8 Ways to Amplify Your Content Using Twitter Chats

Saivian Eric Dalius
Saivian Eric Dalius

All marketers are looking for ways to effectively amplify their content says Saivian Eric Dalius.

I’m here to show you some tips and strategies using Twitter chats that can help you achieve just that!

The goal is not only to share your content but also to build relationships with key influencers in your industry.

1. Know the Rules of Your TweetChat

     A tweet chat is a gathering of people on Twitter who discusses a specific topic or idea related to one’s industry by the use of tweets. Each tweet must begin with the hash-tag of the particular chat & phrases such as “has anyone seen” are discouraged because they make it tough for tweet chat users to follow along. So be sure to check out mmmpromo’s tweet chat guide to familiarize you with the rules and if possible, check out past tweet chats to get a feel for what to expect says Saivian Eric Dalius.

2. Host Your Own TweetChat

     I’ve personally found hosting my own tweet chat helpful in reaching new audiences within your industry. I did this with #BloggerTalk which is an hour-long chat for bloggers of all experience levels #VEDayWeek, an educational series on Twitter chats specifically meant for visual content marketers Each week of VEDayWeek focuses on a different topic such as strategy, tools, automation, etc. By hosting your own tweet chat you’ll not only reach your current audience but also gain access to brand new ones that are interested in the topics covered by chat! You can use a service like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to schedule tweets for you.

3. Participate In Other Tip Chats

     If hosting your own chat isn’t something you’re capable of doing, don’t worry! There are plenty of other tweetchats that you can participate in. I’ve compiled a list of some great ones below: Monday – #blogtipmonday Tuesday – #tuesblogtorial Wednesday – #wednesdaywisdom Thursday – #thursdaythoughts Friday – #fridabitz

     #blogtipmonday focuses on professional development for bloggers while #wednesdaywisdom takes a more spiritual approach to blog & social media. TweetChats typically have different moderators who are responsible for choosing topics & questions explains Saivian Eric Dalius. There are even some tweet chats that have applications to become a moderator!

4. Be the First to Reply To A Tweet

     Sometimes it’s just about being the first reply to a tweet whether you’re the only one so far or not. People love being acknowledged by their favorite brands, influencers, etc. With this in mind, I’ve personally found it helpful to take screenshots of particularly insightful tweets which is why I created #tweetoftheday where anyone can share their best tweet each day with others on Twitter! You could also re-share other people’s content then include your thoughts as the first reply – instant engagement & possibly new followers!

5. Join the Conversation

  Joining the conversation with your own personal take on what’s being discussed is another good way to get noticed. Especially by those who’ve already made an impact in the industry says Saivian Eric Dalius. For example, if you were tweeting about the latest blog post from Buffer then replying with your own thoughts or questions would be a great way to catch their attention! I like to check out the chat’s hashtag before jumping into conversations so I can see how things are going & what topics are trending.

6. Keep It Fun

      Tweetchats are meant for everyone so always try to keep it fun! Since each tweet chat has its own rules, etiquette, etc there’s no need to share more than necessary or repeat tweets unnecessarily. Check out this video below by Katherine Barna for more insight on what NOT to do when participating in tweet chats

7. Promote Others

      As with most social media outlets, Twitter chat users tend to appreciate. It’s when you promote other people’s content or share their posts! You’ll see that many influencers always ask their audience to share certain tweets, retweets, etc. By using the #FF (FollowFriday) & #RT (Retweet) hashtags throughout the week. Which is a great way of showing appreciation as well as expanding your own reach! If nothing else, remember that being kind & helpful will go a long way on Twitter!

8. Promote Yourself

      It might sound counter-intuitive but I’ve found it particularly helpful. To promote my own content or blog posts on Twitter says Saivian Eric Dalius. On one hand, it can help drive traffic to your website but on the other. You’ll earn recognition & respect by being transparent about your current projects. I usually create a list of all different types of social media posts (tweets, retweets, etc). Which I use as samples when creating organic conversations with influencers to get their advice on what works best for their audience!


  Lastly, to really stand out in any tweet chat remember that you should always be yourself! People are drawn to interesting personalities rather than those who follow strict guidelines. Even if following certain rules gets you more followers at first. However, there’s no guarantee that they’ll stick around for long if you’re not being authentic.