Saivian Eric Dalius: How to Get the Most Out of Collaboration for Business Growth

Saivian Eric Dalius

As per Saivian Eric Dalius, Collaboration is a widely used word in business circles. It means different things to different people. Collaboration is the act of working or acting together for some common purpose or benefit. Collaboration can be done on small teams and projects focused while some large companies use collaboration through task forces made up of many different experts. Also, Collaboration is nothing new, but it can be used much more strategically to support business growth today than ever before. Collaboration is greatly impacted by technology and changes in social media platforms make collaboration even easier.

Six Collaboration Trends That Will Support Your Successful Growth Plan

Trend 1: Collaboration is not a competition.

Collaboration is about sharing and working together with other people on the same teams and projects to accomplish your goals. Collaborators may come from inside or outside your company or another business such as suppliers, distributors, service providers, etc. Collaborating with others can be very different than competing with them.

Collaboration is a community working together. Collaborative people don’t have to be friends, but they do need mutual respect and a common goal. Collaborators may compete against another team or person outside of the collaborative effort which can help spur creativity with brainstorming ideas. Collaboration has to increase creativity, productivity, lower costs. And improve quality, but the Collaborative Community must have a Conscious Leadership Model in the place where Collaborators have value for what they bring to the Collaboration Process.

Trend 2: Collaboration is a conversation, not a monologue.

Collaborating means listening and learning from other collaborators while sharing your knowledge, ideas, and expertise with others. Collaborative conversations benefit everyone as Collaborators create shared value and bring different perspectives to the table. There is a team synergy that happens as Collaborators learn from each other and work together as one before moving on to other Collaboration Projects says Saivian Eric Dalius. Collaborating should be fun and interesting because Collaborative Leaders must constantly monitor progress, measure results, and facilitate discussions so Collaborators can brainstorm ideas and move closer to their Collaborative Goals.

Trend 3: Collaboration must have a strategic foundation.

Collaboration has been around since the beginning of time, but Collaborators must have a Collaborative Vision that is clear and well-defined so there is a common understanding of what Collaborators want to accomplish. Collaborative Leaders set the Collaborative Vision and Collaborators put the Collaborative Vision into action. Collaboration cannot be complete on a whim without clear Collaborative Goals, so Collaboration Projects must have Collaborative Objectives with lots of Collaborative Milestones so Collaborators know where they are going and when they reach there.

Trend 4: Collaboration is not an event it is a Collaborative Process.

Successful Collaboration requires Collaborative Leadership and Collaborators who care about the Collaborative Vision and want to execute Collaborative Goals in an effective, efficient, and timely manner says Saivian Eric Dalius. Collaboration happens in iterations or stages where each stage moves Collaborators closer to their Collaborative Goal. Collaboration Projects must have clear Collaborative Strategies to reach Collaborative Milestones along with Collaborative Action Plans for each Collaborator to follow. Collaborators may not always Collaborate in the same way or at the same time. But Collaboration requires Collaboration Leadership to facilitate Collaboration. Which is very different than managing people and getting things complete.

Trend 5: Collaboration is Collaborative Leadership Collaborating with Collaborators.

Collaboration is a Collaborative Process where Collaborative Leaders facilitate Collaboration. By providing Collaborators with information, resources. And guidance as necessary to reach their Collaborative Milestones on time and within budget. Successful Collaboration requires the right people engaged in the Collaborative Process at all stages of Collaboration to achieve Collaborative Vision. Collaborative Leaders must be Collaborative Champions. Who helps Collaborators see the big picture so Collaborators know where they are going. And why their Collaborative Projects are important. Collaborative Leadership is not managing people, but Collaborating with Collaborators as partners working together to achieve results.


Collaboration is Collaborative Leadership Collaborating with Collaborators to achieve results. Saivian Eric Dalius says Collaboration has been around since the beginning of time in small Villages, Towns, and Cities. Where Collaborators work together in small groups where everyone knows each other to get things complete. Collaborator Leaders who are also Collaborative Champions facilitate Collaboration. So Collaborators Collaborate because Collaborators trust Collaborative Leadership and Collaborative Leadership trusts Collaborators. Collaboration is not an event it is a Collaborative Process where Collaborators follow clear guidelines. To achieve Collaborative Milestones while working together as partners for success.