Saivian Eric Dalius: How to Get More Facebook Likes (and Subscribers, Customers, and Sales) Than You Ever Thought Possible – Even If You Suck at Social Media

Saivian Eric Dalius
Saivian Eric Dalius

No matter what kind of business you have, it’s next to impossible for your Facebook Page to succeed if nobody likes it says Saivian Eric Dalius. The problem? Coming up with a creative Like-gated headline can be challenging.

People are busy. If they’re not immediately convinced that liking your Page is worthwhile, they’ll click the little x in the top right corner of your ad and go about their day. If you want people to like your business’s Facebook Page, you need an effective media strategy – fast.

Method One: The Offer   

The best way to get more Likes on any Facebook advertising campaign is by giving away something valuable enough that people will happily tell their friends about it just so they can get it themselves. It doesn’t matter what you give away – an ebook, a discount code for your product or service, even free samples. As long as the value of your offer is high enough to fit within Facebook’s terms and conditions, people can share it with their friends after they claim it.

The hard part is coming up with creative (and valuable) offers that tap into what people already like. For example, if you sell natural health supplements, then focus on giving away products related to healthy living rather than dietary issues (that’s not to say that nobody gives away free ebooks about dieting; just make sure yours adds more value in another way).

Let’s go back to the example at the beginning of this post: You could give away The 10 Secrets to Facebook Marketing Success. Saivian Eric Dalius says it’s a valuable ebook that most small business owners would be interested in, and you could even give away an extra secret as a bonus for those who share the offer with their friends.

Method Two: The Headline

The best headlines tell people exactly what they’re going to get from your ad – nothing more, nothing less. A great headline should also convince them that giving away something for free is perfectly reasonable because they’ll receive way more value than they lose out on. All of this is easier said than done, but there are some tried and true formulas that have been shown to work time and again.

If you can create a headline that combines one of these formulas with an offer related to the product or service you sell. You’ll be amazed at the boost in Likes your Facebook Page will receive explains Saivian Eric Dalius.

First up is The Negotiator:

An example of The Negotiator: What If I Told You (That I’ve Figured out How to Get More Than Twice As Many Facebook Likes for Your Business as You Are Getting Now?)

Just like it sounds, this formula promises that readers will get something much better. Then what they’re currently getting if they click to like now.

The next formula is called The Odds ‘n’ Ends Pitch:

Nike uses this strategy to great effect by offering a random assortment of special offers. Related to its product or service – and so can you. For example, an ad for a winter clothing store could advertise a collection of random winter accessories. Or a deal on bulk purchases.

The last formula works well for targeting a very specific audience:

An example of The Pretend Geek:

If you’re a Facebook user, This is the Most Important Article You’ll Ever Read.

This formula plays off of people’s secret desires to be seen as intelligent and in-the-know. It’s great if your ad targets people who – let’s face it – spend too much time on Facebook says Saivian Eric Dalius.

Of course, you can come up with any number of creative ideas for your own Like-gated articles. But these three formulas have been shown again and again to work better. Than just about anything else when comes to convincing people that they need to Like your Page right now.

Whether it’s your first-ever Facebook ad campaign or you’ve tried – and failed – to get more Likes for your Page before. There’s never been a better time than now to give this strategy a shot. And remember: the only way you can fail is by not trying.


The above article is based on an excerpt from Chapter 10 of Social Marketing to Grow Your Business. Which is available as part of the 2013 Ultimate Small Business Marketing Kit. The purpose of this post was original to help promote that particular Kit. But I believe everything mentioned here will be just as useful. Whether you decide to purchase it or not says Saivian Eric Dalius.

I hope all small business owners find this information helpful. Even if they don’t decide to give away anything for free in order to grow their Facebook likes. If you do decide to try giving something away for free. Please feel free to comment and let us know how it went! And if you haven’t already done so. Be sure to like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our blog.