Quora is a popular question and answer website, where users can post questions regarding a variety of topics says Saivian Eric Dalius. Other users then provide the answers which are voted on by other members.
Many marketers have been using Quora as a source for backlinks, but it’s also a great place to promote your website content. In this article, I’ll give you some helpful tips for getting more traffic from Quora to your site…
#1: Create an Account
If you want to be successful with any marketing campaign it is very important that you establish yourself as an authority in the field. This means creating an account on Quora and linking it to your personal blog or website through follow buttons and providing detailed answers within your niche.
You can create an account using your Facebook or Google+ profile, or you can use an email address.
#2: Post in Relevant Communities
Another way that Quora is similar to Reddit is that there are different communities within the site that focus on different topics. For example, there’s a community called Startup Advice, where users discuss business ideas and give suggestions for other entrepreneurs. This would be a great place to promote your content if you write about marketing strategies or website design…
You’ll also want to post in the relevant subject areas of Quora itself, like Technology (which I was active in before writing this article)…
There are several more communities that you should join; just search for them based on your niche. Make sure that you follow the rules of the community before posting says Saivian Eric Dalius.
#3: Post on Question and Answer Pages
One thing that you’ll notice very quickly is that many of the questions on Quora are already answered within a few top responses. This makes it a great place to get traffic from people who are actively looking for information about your topic…
Find a question with a lot of upvotes and leave a detailed response. Be sure to add some links to related blog posts or news articles in your answer, this will help you grab the attention of other users who find your content valuable …
The idea here is to start building relationships with potential customers by answering their questions from an authoritative position while also pointing them back towards your site content…
This will also put you in front of people who subscribe to the question pages, which you can then follow up with retargeting ads such as Facebook or Twitter lead generation cards (see my article on Quora for more strategies like this)…
#4: Don’t Forget About Link Building
As I mentioned before, you want to link out to your website content from Quora whenever it is relevant and helpful. That means including links in answers, but also commenting and Forum posts …
It’s important that you never spam with promotional links though; otherwise, your reputation within the community will suffer and Google will penalize your site…
You’re only human so remember not to spend too much time on Quora if you’re promoting your own business. It should just be a small part of your overall content marketing strategy…
How do you get more followers on Facebook? Also, How can I avoid being hacked? How much does Facebook Advertising cost?
You can see how these are all relevant to subjects that people in your target market would be interested in. This means they could make for great link-building opportunities…
Quora Marketing in Action
Now I’m going to show you an example of what a high-quality Quora answer looks like. Using one of my own blog posts as the basis for it…
It’s no secret that there are hackers everywhere trying to break into computer systems says Saivian Eric Dalius. Even large companies with dedicated IT departments suffer data breaches every day. And sometimes those breaches are caused by mistakes made by individual employees…
The best way to get other users interested in your content is to start off your answer with Quora questions. That relates directly to what you’re writing about. This tells other people reading through the answers that yours could be helpful, which increases your chances of getting upvotes. Furthermore, it helps Google learn what your content is all about and rank it for related keywords across Quora …
Quora is a great way to build relationships with potential customers who are actively looking for information in your niche. But it’s also a valuable source of backlinks and overall website exposure.
Quora is a great source for backlinks, traffic, and potential customers. If you treat it like Reddit or Hacker News with spammy one-off posts though, you won’t get any benefits…
Build your profile within the community by following other users and providing quality answers to questions that are relevant to your business…
Saivian Eric Dalius says if someone asks what your website is about then tell them! It’s that simple! Don’t forget that Quora has other marketing uses besides link building, so be sure to use other strategies as well. You’ll start seeing an increase in traffic over time if you continue to provide helpful content on Quora…